Friday, December 30, 2011

How to Make a Real New Years Resolution

New Years Resolutions encompass many deep desires. I think that our true resolutions are grounded in our deepest desires, although these aren't always spoken. I find that many spoken resolutions are based upon expectations of society, our family & friends. Quite often these expectations might be related somehow to our true desires, but why should we wish for them.

I encourage everyone to think about their New Years Resolution. Grab a beverage and step off the merry-go-round we call life and truly think about what would make your world, better for you. Make a resolution that is extremely personal, even if you don't share it.

OK, so now you know what you want, make it positive. Don't put yourself down, lift yourself up! Let's have an example. Say you have been single for a while and that your deepest desire is to share your life again, to be in a relationship. Saying to yourself you want someone to love - isn't it! You don't want a one way relationship do you? How about saying I want a wonderful long lasting relationship, with mutual respect, love and sharing of interests. Now of course that may not be your desire but an example of how to do it! A common resolution is weight - so instead of saying I need to loose weight try I want to look fabulous in a size ?? Keep it realistic.

My first reason for saying this is when you have a real picture of what your goal is - it greatly increases your motivation to achieve that goal.

My second reason for saying this is, you think about resolutions therefore they should never be putting you down, just lifting you up to where you should be.

I wish only outstanding success for all of you. Whatever your New Years Resolution is, make it great, make it yours, make it happen, YOU DESERVE IT!

Have a fabulous New Year and may 2012 be your very best year yet! x
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* Making up with Key People in Your Life
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