Sunday, December 25, 2011

To Gather Together Or Not!

Is it reasonable that we seem to expect our family & the people we love to congregate together at these times? Are we truly asking too much in our extremely busy culture to try and achieve this monumental gathering?
I suppose it depends on your perspective! Are you someone who is expected to attend someplace that you'd rather not? Or are you the person expecting others to show?
It can be a nightmare for all concerned! Emotions can run extremely high, either way.
If it's a problem all getting together on the Holiday's then maybe we need to consider other times, after all, fuel goes up every Christmas & airfares. Maybe in these times of respect for personal space, it isn't even reasonable to have a family gathering at all. I certainly hope this is not true.
Personally I love family gatherings. Am passionate about catching up with the people I love, spending time and sharing activities. I find family get together's inspiring & fascinating.
In this crazy world of ours, how do we make it work?

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